Rates & Charges
In October 2022, The Whatcom County Council approved a system of rates and charges for the Whatcom Conservation District. Continue reading and use the following links to learn more.
Your 2023 Tax Statement
Beginning January 2023, WC tax statements will include a fee for the Whatcom Conservation District (WCD). See Our Funding Structure for more information.
Who We Are
Whatcom Conservation District (WCD) is a unique government agency that serves all of Whatcom County. Whether you live in a city, on a farm, or in a forest, and subject to available resources, the District serves everyone Whatcom County.
Like all conservation districts across the nation, we work at the intersection of people and place.
Since 1946, WCD has been on the forefront of productive agriculture, habitat restoration, and residential stewardship by providing free conservation services to private land managers and residents. Our strength comes from a long history of successful partnerships with local individuals, groups, agencies, and tribes. We have leveraged these partnerships to develop and implement programs and projects to meet the demands of a diverse and changing environment. With a growing population and increased pressure on our natural resources, our services are more critical than ever.
Our Funding Structure
Historically, the WCD has received 100% of its operating budget through competitive grants and contracts from local, state, and federal agencies, such as Whatcom County, the Washington State Conservation Commission, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Beginning January 2023, we will receive ~2% of our operating budget through a fee-based system of rates and charges. WCD rates and charges fees range from $2.99 to $5.00 per parcel per year depending on the land use category of the property. The benefit of this funding mechanism is the ability to support local natural resource priorities identified by the WCD Board of Supervisors and community stakeholders. This is particularly important because many state and federal grant program priorities do not align with local priorities.
Rates and charge supports the continued delivery and enhancement to the following activities:
Serve everyone in Whatcom County (rural, urban and suburban) by providing science-based education, technical assistance, and financial incentives to support healthy land, air, water and people.
Maintain sustainable, profitable and productive local agriculture, fisheries, and other natural resource-based industries for future generations
Support local farm infrastructure through partnerships and grants, to ensure the feasibility of locally produced food.
Promote backyard stewardship by supporting native landscaping for wildlife and pollinator habitat improvement.
Offer K-12 education on the principles of natural resource conservation, sustainable agriculture, and watershed health.
Nurture a deep connection to the land and resources of Whatcom County, connecting our urban and rural communities.
If you have questions about the Whatcom Conservation District fee on your tax statement not answered here, email rates@whatcomcd.org or call (360-526-2380).