Outreach & Education

Educators Resource Corner
Check out the following agriculture education links and facts
Environmental Science Education Links
National Science Education Standards - The online version of the National Science Education Standards as developed by the National Research Council.
Project 2061 - by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Includes information about the Benchmarks for Science Literacy through clickable links.
Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements in Science - You can peruse the standards clicking on "Science". You'll find that you can download the EALRs in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
Bellingham Public Schools - You can check out their curriculum pages, teacher resources, etc.
Home Science: Backyard Conservation
USDA Forest Service: Tree Conservation
Curricular Resources
AIMS Education - Another leading resource for elementary school science and math.
Science Lessons by Subject and Grade Level - Lesson plans in Astonomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Technology. Grades K-8. Includes greenhouse effect, etc. also.
Bill Nye the Science Guy - No explanation needed!
The Magic School Bus Homepage - Take a drive with Ms. Frizzle!
Concept Mapping - A great site for downloading Concept Maps activities and related stuff
Science NetLinks - The AAAS site is a comprehensive "home page" for science teachers, librarians, and others involved in science education.
Science Fair Project Resource Guide - Some advice on putting a science fair project together.
We need your help! If any of these activities interest you, please contact Aneka Sweeney @ 360-526-2381, ext. 103.