Riparian Grant Program
The Riparian Grant Program (RGP) provides funding for projects to restore and protect riparian habitat, the management zone along the edge of water bodies. Riparian habitat restoration projects are crucial for restoring healthy ecosystems and conserving biodiversity. All land along streams is eligible and all landowners can qualify.
Restoring & protecting critical fish habitat
Increasing & protecting water quality
Providing attractive borders
Stream bank stabilization
Increasing privacy
Increasing protection from noise & wind
Carbon sequestration
Creating travel corridors for a wide range of wildlife
Reducing erosion
Lowering water temperature
Invasive species removal
Creating shade
Active ecological stewardship

The planning for a project is done by professional staff at Whatcom Conservation District while consulting the landowner for insight into their specific needs and circumstances.
The field work for a project, such as invasive species removal and restoration planting, is done by licensed professional contractors that work with the Conservation District.

Grass and blackberries will be mowed and controlled prior to planting and for several years after planting to reduce competition for soil moisture and nutrients. Taking advantage of the RGP is a great way to steward your land without breaking the bank or having to spend time and labor on the project yourself.
Owners of active farmland may also be eligible for annual incentive payments intended as compensation for land taken out of production. The incentive payment is typically $1,000/acre/year with a 50 foot minimum buffer width.