Financial Resources
Financial Assistance for Farms

"The cost share program was very exciting! We really had no plan or idea on how to manage the immense amount of water flowing through our property and how to keep the waste out of it. Having access to this resource was a huge asset in the development of our property." - Tristan Stanbro, Whatcom County Small Farm Owner
Small Grants Program
The Whatcom CD and Whatcom County Public Works have partnered together to bring a funding opportunity to manure producers in priority water quality watersheds of Whatcom County. Small grants up to $4,500 are available for eligible Best Management Practices on farms who have completed a site assessment and have developed a Farm Plan with Whatcom CD farm planning staff. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us: 360-526-2381 or
Eligible Best Management Practices Include:
Heavy Use Area Protection
Manure Storage
Roof Runoff Structures
Underground Outlets
Access Lanes

Before & After

Small Farm Rebate Program
Whatcom County Public Works is currently offering up to $300 rebates for heavy use area footing materials, fencing, gutters and outlets! Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to apply or contact a Farm Planner at Whatcom Conservation District (Whatcom CD) to see how you can qualify: 360-526-2381 or Visit Whatcom County Public Works' website for more information:
**This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J89801 to the Washington State Department of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.**
Tarps to Cover Manure Piles
If you have farm animals, manure happens. Covering your manure pile can increase the internal temperature speeding up the break down process of the material, killing parasites and retain your nutrients in the pile instead of the rains transporting them away. If you are interested in a free tarp to cover your manure pile, please contact us: 360-526-2384 or

Borrow our Manure Spreader or Poultry Processing Equipment
Whatcom CD has a 2.5 cubic yard compost spreader available for loan to landowners in the District's service area.
Whatcom CD also has equipment for small-scale producers to safely process poultry for home consumption, or to slaughter poultry for direct marketing with a WSDA permit.
Soil Testing for Pastures, Haylands and Croplands
Get a jumpstart on your nutrient management and learn more about your soil. Soil testing is a great way to find out how last years nutrient application lined up with what the crop needed to grow. A fall soil test can also help the planning process for what to apply next growing season. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us: 360-526-2384 or

Sound Horsekeeping
Whether horses are you passion or your business, you no doubt want to keep them healthy and happy! The Sound Horsekeeping program launched in Summer 2018 and recognizes horse owners in Whatcom County who have taken actions to improve pastures, reduce mud, manage manure and provide wildlife habitat on their property. If you're managing your property in a way that protects horse health and the environment , you are probably eligible to earn our Sound Horsekeeping sign. Please review this checklist and give us a call to review your eligibility: 360-526-2381 or
Septic System Evaluation & Maintenance Rebates
Having your system regularly inspected and performing maintenance tasks saves you money in the long run and helps protect our waters, but we understand that it takes time and money right now. The Whatcom County septic rebate program can reimburse you for costs associated with a system evaluation, installation of operation and maintenance equipment, or septic tank pumping.