For Nora and David Weisenhorn, one of the best parts of Thanksgiving starts the weekend before during their neighborhood turkey butcher party. They belong to a community based butchering group comprised of several families on their road in the Terrell Watershed. The tradition started in 2010, when the Weisenhorns raised their first four turkeys. Their neighbors came down to help with the butchering and brought their four turkeys. Since then, the tradition has grown.

Each June they buy a group of chicks. Each family raises their own turkeys, and then the weekend before Thanksgiving they all get together for community butchering, and celebrate afterwards with a group potluck. This year they have three broad breasted bronze turkeys for the event.
“Getting together with our neighbor friends for the ‘butcher party’ is now one of our favorite parts of the holiday.” – Nora & David Weisenhorn
The Weisenhorn’s have rented the Whatcom CD’s poultry processing equipment as part of their neighborhood event every year. They had started using the equipment when it was previously owned by the Whatcom Pastured Poultry Group. Having that equipment saves the group time in processing their turkeys.

“Since we were already familiar with the equipment we recognized the great time saving value offered by having access to the scalder, plucker and table. The scalder is big enough to easily handle a turkey. The plucker is amazing with chickens and especially with turkeys. Together they make the prep work so much faster. The stainless steel table provides a work area for the final processing.” - Nora & David Weisenhorn
They have been very happy with their experience working with Whatcom CD.
“They keep the equipment well maintained. Their website has helpful links to videos and online information. The staff has been friendly and helpful…I would definitely recommend any farm in Whatcom County to contact the Conservation District and find out which programs can benefit their farm.” – Nora & David Weisenhorn
We are delighted to help facilitate the Weisenhorn with their poultry processing. Contact one of our farm planners today to learn more about how Whatcom CD can partner with you on your farm. Our programs include free and confidential farm planning, equipment rentals, free soil testing, and more.