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Crowd watches intently to speaker around blue tube planting

Volunteer Opportunities

Whatcom Conservation District invites you to join us in our mission to conserve natural resources. We have many projects and events throughout the year and are always looking for volunteers who can contribute their talents and expertise. These are great opportunities for you to be involved in your local community and have a positive impact on the environment.

WCD staff hands plants over

The Whatcom CD hosts events throughout the year. We appreciate your help!

Raccoon wading through water
Wildlife Tracking

Take photos of wildlife and their signs to help the Whatcom CD crowd source wildlife data!

Volunteer packing soil
Work Parties

Volunteers are needed each year to help restore habitat along salmon bearing streams.


We have many events and opportunities for volunteering throughout the year. Whether you can take photos, plant trees, greet participants, identify native plants, or help set up we appreciate your contribution. 


Join our Volunteer Team, and receive emails notifying you of volunteer opportunities as they arise. Click here to submit your information or contact Aneka Sweeney at (360) 526-2381 x103 or

WCD staff standing in front of interp.
Run With The Chums

Volunteers are needed each year for parking, registration, and other race logistics.

WCD staff carries native plants
Native Plant Sale

Volunteers are needed each year to help with plant packing, customer service, and more.

WCD Staff chatting with client
Whatcom Farm Expo

Volunteers are needed each year for parking, greeting, and other event logistics.

  • Oct 10, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    Lynden Community Center, 401 Grover St, Lynden, WA 98264, USA
    This event connects farmers and organizations with funding opportunities to share information about grants and answer questions. Este evento reúne a agricultores y organizaciones con oportunidades de financiación compartiendo información sobre subsidios y respuestas a preguntas.


Contact Aneka Sweeney at (360) 526-2381 x103 or


Other Opportunities

Sign Up for our E-News to stay connected with all we do
We also have Internship Opportunities Available

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