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Conservation Stories: Pete Amell

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

After a career in forestry in Idaho, Pete and Denise Amell and their four horses have retired to five acres in the Jordan Creek watershed. Part of Jordan Creek meanders through their property which also contains infrastructure from a historic small farm dairy operation.

In 2017, they reached out to Whatcom Conservation District for help in getting to know their land and took advantage of our free and confidential custom farm planning services, complimentary pasture soil test, free manure spreader loan, and small farm grant program. They used their grant funds to build a two bin manure storage bunker with a roof. This allows them to store manure during the winter until it can be applied to pastures, using the free Conservation District manure spreader, during the growing season. The total cost of materials was $1500 and was subsidized by the Conservation District Small Farm Grant program. Have you installed a manure storage bunker at your site? Let's see what you are doing to get ready, winter is coming. “I would highly recommend working with Whatcom CD for any questions you have regarding pasture management and manure storage...they were very helpful in understanding our small farm.”- Pete Amell Story by Katie Pencke Photos by Gabriella Mednick

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